
My Profile is a page that contains the current user's login basic details such as Name, Mobile Number,  and Email, etc.

Guided Steps:

Action 1: Edit Essential Information

1. Click on "Accounts" menu followed by "My Profile" menu

2. Click on the edit button beside Name

2. Edit the relevant information that you wish to amend

3. Click on Submit button to save

Action 2: Upload Profile Picture

1. Click on the image of icon

2. Click on "Click or drag the file here to upload" box 

3. Choose the relevant image file and click "Open"

4. Click on the Save button if satisfied with the image. 

Action 3: Change Password

1. Click on your user name at the top right-hand corner

2. Select the Change Password

3. Input your Old Password and thereafter your preferred New Password twice based on the password criteria as shown

4. Click on Submit button to save