
Leave type is a page where admin can customize the company's leave types for leave form submission.

Guided Steps:

Action 1: To view the list of leave type

  1. Click on 'Accounts' ->'Settings'->'Leave Types'
  2. It will show the list of leave types.


Action 2: To add a leave type

  1. Click on 'Add' button
  2. Input the name of the leave type
  3. Click on 'Submit' button to save


Action 3: To deactivate leave type

  1. Select the leave type that you wish to deactivate  (There are 2 method to deactivate)
  •  Deactivate button
  1. click on 'Deactivate' button
  2. A Confirmation dialog shall be prompted, click on Delete button to proceed

  • Change Status=Off via Edit button
  1. Click on 'Edit' button
  2. Toggle on the Status button 
  3. Click on 'Submit' button to save


Action 4: To edit the name of leave type 

  1. Select the leave type that you wish to edit
  2. Click on 'Edit' button and amend the Leave Type's name accordingly
  3. Click 'Submit' button to save


Action 5: To export the list of leave type

  1. Select the leave type, and then click on Export button. 
  2. The entire list of leave type will be exported into excel format