
Leave Form is a page where admin can manage (add/delete/edit) on staff(s)' leaves.

Guided Steps:

Action 1: To view staff(s)'s leave

  1. Click on 'Accounts' menu followed by 'Leave Form' menu
  2. System shall display Leave listing for all company staff(s) after navigated


Action 2: To view staff(s)'s leave via calendar view

  1. Click on 'Accounts' menu followed by 'Leave Form' menu
  2. System shall display all company staff(s)'s Leave in Calendar View for current month

Action 3 To add a leave type

  1. Refer to this link to add the leave type

Action 4:  To add a leave for a user 

  1. There are 2 method to add new leave
  • Add new leave under Listing page
  1. Under Leave Listing tab, click on Add button.
  2. Input relevant leave details, and then click on Submit button to save.

  • Add new leave under Calendar View
  1. Under Leave Calendar tab, click on Add button.
  2. Input relevant leave details, and the click on Submit button to save.


Action 5: To delete leave for a user

  1. Select the checkbox of the leave that you wish to delete
  2. Click on 'Delete' button
  3. A confirmation dialog shall be prompted, click on Delete to proceed

Action 6: To edit leave for a user

  1. Select the checkbox of the leave that you wish to edit
  2. Click on 'Edit' button
  3. Amend all the necessary information, click on 'Submit' to save the amendments

Action 7: To select columns to be displayed for Leave Listing 

  1. Click on 'Column' button on top right of the Leave listing
  2. Select on the relevant columns you wish to hide/reveal 
  3. Click on 'Define' button
  4. The table columns shall be displayed as per configured